Why Associations should work with the business world through our initiative ?
It is very important for the non-profit and business sectors to work together to tackle problems sustainably.

Non-profits often have deep knowledge and expertise on social and environmental issues, while businesses have resources and capabilities to scale solutions.

By collaborating, the two sectors can leverage each other's strengths and create more effective and sustainable solutions to problems. Additionally, businesses can also benefit from working with non-profits, by improving their reputation, and building trust with customers and stakeholders.

Collaboration between non-profits and businesses can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes and help to address the complex and pressing issues of our time.

One example of how non-profits and businesses can work together is through partnerships or corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. A business might donate a portion of its profits or resources to a non-profit working on a specific issue, or the two organizations might collaborate on a project or campaign. This allows the business to support the work of the non-profit, while also aligning with its own values and goals. Our project is part of this type of initiative.

Another example is when businesses adopt sustainable practices, such as reducing their environmental footprint, improving working conditions, or promoting fair trade. Non-profits can help businesses achieve these goals by providing expertise, resources, and support. For example, a non-profit might help a business conduct an environmental impact assessment, or provide training to workers on their rights.

Additionally, businesses can also support non-profits by becoming a sponsor or collaborator in the non-profit's program, which can help to increase awareness and funding for the non-profit's cause.

Overall, non-profits and businesses can work together in a variety of ways to address social and environmental issues. By collaborating, they can create sustainable solutions that are better than what either sector could achieve alone.

NPOs and NGOs are constantly searching for new members and volunteers, this project can only benefit them in that sense.

If you are a social or environmental non profit organization and are interested by the project, contact us via email or fill in the form below to explain more about your type of action and your goals. We will offer your partnership to our customers and private partners.

We deeply believe that we can bring a lot of new volunteers to your fight !
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Phone: +33 6 52 47 93 28

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