Why a project for working students ?

In today's political climate, students and young people are more passionate about global issues than ever, and constantly being vocal, to hold governments and corporations accountable for their decisions and actions that define the future of our generation.

So we decided to focus on mobilizing students for volunteering / social engagement.

All of our team is composed on students that had at one point to work part time, that's why we focused ont this type of users, because we can relate to them.

The problem we face as students however, is that although we are motivated to help tackle social issues, our time is filled with studying and working to finance our studies, which leaves little time and resources to spend engaging in sustainability or social work etc.

So we decided that we want to create a system that would enable us, as students, to easily engage in the social issues we are passionate about, while still remaining economically stable.

We realized that what students need to help them engage in volunteering is some kind of compensation. According to the survey we did at Panteion University Athens, we have gathered that most students need to spend much of their time outside of university working to finance their studies, which give them really few opportunities to volunteer :

Now, we cant expect non-profits to pay their volunteers, they have to put their resources into their actual projects. So we need the help of corporations and businesses.

Imagine that as a student in Athens, you are spending 20-25 hours a week in the university either in class or studying for their classes, preparing presentation and group projects. On top of that the average Greek student also needs to provide for themselves financially and cover their own living costs. In order to do that the majority of university students has a part time job that encompasses around 20-25 Hours a week. All those hours a week are already more than a full time job, and they are only making money half of that time.

This time spent doesn't include the commute to university or work, or any kind of sport, activities, or social life, let alone time to rest or sleep. Where does that leave time to spent volunteering? The answer is it doesnt. In times with rising living costs and inflation, Students cannot afford to spend their time on unpaid work, when they are partially or totally financially independent.

So, what we want in order to encourage student social work is for businesses to pay their student employees to spend a fraction of their working hours volunteering for non-profits or NGOs. This would encompass approximately one working day week (5 hours)

Creating this platform, our customer target is working students. We want to create a platform for students that are working to gain access to companies who offer this system of volunteer work compensation. On the platform we create, there will be an overview who the employers are and which NGOs or non-profits they cooperate with.

If you are a working students that cares about the future and the improvement of our society, join the project !

Contact us via email or send a short message below :

Explain your working situation, and with what kind of project you would be interested in. We will try to help you in this journey !

Our contacts
Phone: +33 6 52 47 93 28

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