Why is this project benefitable for Companies ?
While doing research for this project, we became aware of how important it is for the non profit sector and the business sector to work together to tackle problems sustainably. Additionally, corporate responsibility is an integral part to tackling global sustainability issues.

So, what we want in order to encourage student social work is for businesses to pay their student employees to spend a fraction of their working hours volunteering for non-profits or NGOs. This would encompass approximately one working day week (5 hours).

This could mean a substantial fee increase at a large scale. However the contribution in sustainability and ethical value makes it largely worth it :

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can bring several benefits to companies, including :
  • Reputation and brand image: CSR can help to improve a company's reputation and brand image by demonstrating a commitment to social and environmental issues. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and a better relationship with other stakeholders.
  • Attracting and retaining employees: CSR can also help companies to attract and retain employees, particularly among younger generations who are more likely to be motivated by a company's social and environmental impact.
  • Compliance and risk management: CSR can help companies to comply with laws and regulations related to social and environmental issues. It can also help to manage risks related to these issues, such as reputational risks.
  • Innovation and cost savings: CSR can also drive innovation and cost savings. For example, companies that focus on reducing their environmental impact may develop new, more efficient processes or technologies, which can lead to cost savings.
  • Long-term sustainability: CSR can also contribute to the long-term sustainability of a company and society as a whole by addressing environmental and social issues, such as climate change, poverty and inequality.
  • Improved relationships with stakeholders: CSR can help to improve relationships with stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and investors, by showing a commitment to social and environmental issues that are important to them.
  • Increased competitiveness: Companies that implement CSR strategies are likely to be more competitive in the marketplace, as they are able to attract more loyal customers and more motivated employees, and also may benefit from lower costs of operation
Benefits of corporate Volunteering: Corporate volunteering can bring several benefits to companies, including :
  • Improved employee morale: Corporate volunteering can help to improve employee morale by giving them an opportunity to make a positive impact on their community and to feel good about the work they do.
  • Increased employee engagement: Corporate volunteering can also help to increase employee engagement by giving them a sense of purpose and by fostering teamwork among employees.
  • Positive impact on the community: Corporate volunteering can also make a positive impact on the community by supporting local organizations and causes, and by addressing social and environmental issues.
  • Positive reputation for the company: Corporate volunteering can also help to build a positive reputation for the company among customers, partners, and other stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to social and environmental issues.
  • Opportunities for professional development: Corporate volunteering can also provide opportunities for employees to develop new skills and to gain new experiences that can be beneficial for their personal and professional development.
  • Teamwork and relationship building: Corporate volunteering can also help to foster teamwork and build relationships between employees, which can benefit the company by improving communication and collaboration.
  • Positive corporate culture: Corporate volunteering can also help to promote a positive corporate culture by encouraging employees to take an active role in their community and by emphasizing the company's values.

According to that, we strongly believe that companies would substantially benefit from this type of initiative.

They are essential for the success of this project, but they are even more than that in the fight again social issues.

If you would be interested in participating to this project and accepting its principles, just contact us via email or on the form below. Explain what type of company you are, where and how you operate, we will shortly come back to you with propositions of students and associations to work with.
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Phone: +33 6 52 47 93 28

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