-Be part of the change-
-Join the corporate social responsibility movement !-
Make a difference in the lives of others and benefit from it !
Volunteer !
Young generations, students, you are the future !

In today's political climate, students and young people are more passionate than ever about global issues !

Your emotion, your social indignation are fundamental to induce changes and progress in our society.

However, for those who need to work, you don't have time or opportunities to volunteer in causes that you are passionate about.

To help you find this is our purpose.

Together, we can make a difference in the world.

Learn more about our project and check our services below !

Companies, futur is rising, get on board !

New generations want change, but this change can only thrive with your participation.

Today, ethical and moral value can and does translate into economic value.

  • The idea that it is right to spend more on sustainability-oriented products is increasingly widespread.
  • Higher price justifies values and ideals in which the catchment area recognizes itself.
  • Brands that espouse certain values are more appreciated, and companies take this into account when deciding marketing strategies.

Don't you want people to be proud and actually happy to work in your company ? Your prosper may rely on it !

Just check our services below !
NGOs, NPOs, the core of our project is your work and action !

  • We know how much important you are for social and environmental awareness.

  • We know how much your field work means for the disadvantaged, our nature, and much more.

  • We know that you cannot fight all the destruction and discrimination in this world alone. People should all contribute to this fight !

Many want to fight for the causes you advocate, sometimes life conjonctures just makes it impossible.

We have solutions for that, but we need you !

Just check our services below !

About Our Project
We want to create a system of cooperation between business and non-profit sector, that would enable working students to easily engage in the social issues they are passionate about, while still remaining economically stable and profitable for the companies!
Learn more
-Our services-

It is fundamental for the non profit sector and the business sector to work together to tackle problems sustainably.
We provide a platform where any of these types of actors can find contacts and partners to participate in our corporate volunteering program.

To begin, select your category :
Meet Our Team
The smartest people work every day to provide the best service and make our users happy
  • Mariell Beckmann
    Founder & Art Director
  • Paulina Wanach
    Customer & Digital Support
  • Benedetta Testi
    Negotiation and Canvassing Manager
  • Efthimios Charchantis
    Marketing Director
  • Noe Kauff
    Web Designer
Why choose us?
  • Feature #1. We are the first to adress this cooperation issue and to focus specifically on working students
  • Feature #2. Our team is dynamic, innovative and intimately involved in this project
  • Feature #3. Our N°1 goal is sustainability, so to work with us will always mean leaning towards a more sustainable action
Our contacts
Phone: +33 6 52 47 93 28
Email: SSWproject@gmail.com
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.

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